Mar 26Liked by Mark McGrath

Very important post that helps provide clarity on Boyd and his thinking.

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The pattern of behavior exhibited here is how people take a new idea or a new technology and make it work to support older ways of thinking and operating. Andrew McLuhan addressed this the other day - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/andrew-mcluhan-06165b96_as-james-joyce-said-of-these-man-made-activity-7178004940114538496-6gAX?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop. I've seen how this makes innovation more a novelty rather than a step forward.

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Another good and very pertinent article., it is important that Boyd's thinking is interpreted as you suggest across its full breadth. I guess this applies to interpreting any great thinkers work, rather than cherry picking key ideas that can easily be misapplied we need to understand the full picture.

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What "Bad Boyd" looks like in reality:


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